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 Minutes of the Meeting of the Welney Parish Council

held in the Parish Hall, Welney




            Cllr.K.Goodger (Chairman) Cllrs. T.Bennett,, S. Dobson,, S. Kerr and the Clerk.

            Also present was Mr. M. Wallington 


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. and introduced P.C.S.O’s Claire Law and

Sarah Climpson.   PCSO Law gave details of reported crime in the Village of Welney between 1st March and 1st September, 2009 and she confirmed that the information is available on the Norfolk Police Website.  She also reported that the information only related to reported Crime and emphasised the fact that the public should report all crimes.  She gave details of Crime Prevention Surveys which can be arranged for resident’s homes and premises and it was agreed to include a short article to cover this in the Welney News.  The two PCSO’s were thanked for their attendance and for the useful information given. 

1.  Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. E.Allen, M. Brown, C.Freer and V.Pratley, and also from Dist.Cllrs. D. Pope and V.Spikings and  C.Cllr.H. Humphrey 

2.  Declarations of Interest

            None at this stage of the meeting 

3.  Minutes of the last meeting

            The minutes of the meeting held on 4th August, 2009, having been circulated to all councillors, were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of that meeting. 

4.  Matters Arising

1.  Local Government Reorganisation – Councillors were  handed a copy of a letter from the Borough Council dated 27th August, which gave the up to date position,. 

2.  Community Speed Watch – One further volunteer had come forward and been added to the list for the Community Speed Watch.  This now make a total of 7.  It was agreed to carry this matter over the next meeting when hopefully Cllr. Allen would be present, and the scheme could be moved on. 

3.  Field to the North of Chestnut Avenue (Sandgate Corner)  All Councillors had been given the information to download the available information from the National Association of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners.  The Borough Council are in the process of preparing Heads of Terms for the hiring of the field by the Parish Council.  It was hoped to have these available for this meeting, but as nothing was available it was agreed that the matter would be carried over to the next meeting.. 

5. Public Participation

            Mr .Mark Wallington then addressed the meeting and gave details of the arrangements which are in hand for the Children of Welney Fayre to be held at the Playing Field on 12th September.  He gave details of the programme for the day and explained that advertising is commencing shortly  Mr. Wallington was thanked for his short presentation and everyone wished the organisers good luck with the event and the weather.  It was agreed to confirm the details to Mr.,John  Loveday and ask if the Cricket Club would fence of the cricket pitch to avoid any damage during the event. 

6.First time Sewage Scheme

            Following the last meeting the Clerk confirmed that an e-mail had been sent to Stephen

            Burrows of Anglian Water and he had replied confirming that work is progressing well and the lagoon work should be completed by the end of August.  Councillors are anxious to visit the Lagoon site once completed, and this would be arranged with the Barhale Site Manager in due course.   

            The Clerk confirmed that nothing further had been heard from Norfolk County Council regarding the planning application considered at the last meting for a variation of Condition 5 - Odour Monitoring. 

7.  Finance

            The following accounts had been received for payment and on the proposition of Cllr.Dobson seconded by Cllr.Bennett and agreed, the cheques were signed:


            Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk

            Emptying Dog Bins – Cheque No. 101037                                          49 . 34


            MHB Services – Street Lighting Maintenance

            Cheque No. 101038                                                                           102 . 33


Mrs .P. Copeman – Clerks Expenses

            Cheque No. 101039                                                                            16 . 49                                                                                                                                                

            Mazars – Audit Fee for accounts to 31.3.09

            Cheque No. 101040                                                                           155 . 25


            S. Kerr – Work to Pavilion

            Cheque No. 101041                                                                            46 . 10


            The following bills had been paid by Direct Debit

            E-On – Monthly street lighting charge – 17.8.09                                              59 . 81

            Mrs. P. Copeman – Clerks Salary 1.9.09                                                         255 . 68


The Clerk confirmed that the Annual Accounts for the year ended 31st March, 2009 had been signed off by Mazars and the Annual Return Form had been received back duly signed.  Copies of the Annual Return had been posted in the Village Notice Board and on the Parish Council website. 

8.  Parish Hall

            The electricity meters were checked but there were no monies.. 

            Purchase of the Hall Site – Copies of e-mails from the Solicitor for the Environment Agency were circulated to all councillors, and the matter is progressing.  A further problem had occurred with regard to the area of land at the side of the hall where the slope leads up to the fire exit.  After consideration it was confirmed that the Parish Council were fully aware that this piece of land belongs to Elgoods and is not part of the Parish Hall site.  An e-mail would be sent back to Mr. Anker at the Environment Agency confirming this. 

9. Proposed New Community Centre

Following the last meeting, a letter had been sent to Mr .Briscoe of Peter Humphrey Limited setting out the amendments which the Council would like to see to the plans he had supplied.

Amended plans together with a letter answering all the queries raised were handed out at the meeting, and after a brief discussion it was agreed that the plans were exactly as Council had asked.  It was therefore agreed that we ask Mr .Briscoe to attend at 7 p.m. prior to the October Parish Council meeting, in order to finalise the exterior of the proposed building and to make arrangements for the planning application to be submitted.  

10.  Playing Field

            There was very little to report at the present time.  Carpet Bowls are continuing, along with a few more cricket matches, and the Yoga Club will commence again once the children have return o school.    The Chairman reported that it appeared that some of the guttering needed cleaning out, and he agreed with Cllr. Kerr that they would have a look at this and also at the state of the outside toilets at the Pavilion, hopefully before the Children of Welney Fayre. 

11.  Correspondence

a.  Playworld Playsystems – Brochure of play equipment etc.

b.  Norfolk Association of Village Halls – September Newsletter.

c.  The Greenhouse Open Building Exhibition and Information 10th to 13th September 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Bethel Street, Norwich.

d.  Norfolk Association of Local Councils – Annual General Meeting 12th September, 2009 Hevingham Village Hall, Hevingham 10.30 a.m. – Booking form included to be returned by 9th September.  Also details of Buckingham Palace Garden Party 2010 – Chairman only – If the Chairman would like his or her name included in the draw for places details must be received by 9th September.

e.  Mayors Civic Awards for Voluntary Service – Nominations required by 15th January, 2010

f.  East of England Plan to 2031  Public Consultation Event – 2nd September from 7.15 p.m. at The Curve, The Forum, 2 Millennium Plan, Bethel Street, Norwich.  Further meeting will be held across the East of England between 2nd September and 24th November – Dates available at:

g.  Downham Community Action Group – Details of meeting at Southery Village Hall at 7 p.m. on Wednesday September 2nd, 2009. 

12.  Plans and Planning Matters

            The following planning application had been received for consideration:

Ref No. 09/01386/F

Mr. P. Arnold and Mrs .R. Barrett

Construction of agricultural storage building and standing moveable polytunnel at

1-2 Sandgate Terrace, Wisbech Road, Welney.

After consideration of the application and plans it was unanimously agreed that the application be recommended for approval.,


Questions relating to planning guidelines were raised at the meeting and it was agreed to ask the Borough Council for any information available.  It was also agreed to ask the Planning Department for an update of a possible planning violation which had arisen earlier in the year at Tipps End.


13.  Highway Matters

 A letter dated 25th August had been received from Norfolk Police regarding the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices to drivers entering the Wash Road when it was flooded.  Copies of the letter were handed to Councillors for their information and the matter would be considered further at the next meeting.  In the meantime it was agreed to place a brief report on the contents of the letter in the next edition of the Welney News.


School Sign – Highways had confirmed that they would consider the erection of a School Sign but would like to see the design before committing themselves.  The design would be available in due course and if Highways were happy, they had confirmed that they would be prepared to put the sign up for the School.


Sandgate Corner Footpath – The question of the spraying of the footpath had been raised with highways and confirmation of the spraying programme had been received from them.  However it was agreed to thank them for the information but ask them to make sure that the whole stretch of the footpath from the Chestnut Avenue end up to Stockyard Farm was included in their programme,

The Chairman then raised the problems being experienced along Wisbech Road at Tipps End.  He confirmed that there had been several accidents along this stretch of road over the past few months and the residents were very concerned.  Heavy lorries were using the road through to Lakes End and vehicles were using it as a rat run, at excessive speeds.  It was agreed to ask Mr. Edmunds at Highways if there is anything that can be done to try and prevent these problems on this narrow stretch of road, before there is a more serious or even fatal accident..


14.  Environmental Issues.

            Cllr. Bennett read out a letter from the Ouse Washes Stategy Group following Council’s request to be a member of the group.  At the present there was no offer of attending their meetings, and it was agreed that Cllr. Bennett would keep pressing this matter.  Points were raised specifically relating to the maintenance of the ditches along the roadside and on the Wash itself, and these could be used to strengthen our case.


15.  Parish Action Plan

            In view of the small number of councillors present at this meeting it was agreed to defer this matter matter until the October meeting.  Councillors would be reminded to bring their copies of the Parish Action Plan to that meeting,


16.  Items for Next Agenda


There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed at 8.57 p.m. 


Signed ……T. Bennett……………………………….......(Vice Chairman)                      



Dated ……6th October, 2009……………………………………..


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