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 Minutes of the Meeting of the Welney Parish Council

held in the Parish Hall, Welney

on Tuesday 7th October, 2008 at 7.30 p.m.



Cllr.K.Goodger (Chairman)  Cllrs E.Allen, T.Bennett, M. Brown, C. Freer, S.Kerr, V.Pratley, and G.Tomkins the Clerk. 

Also present: Dist.Cllrs.V.Spikings and D.Pope


1.  Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr S.Dobson and C.Cllr.H,Humphrey.


2.  Declaration of Interest

Cllr.Goodger declared an interest in the First Time Sewage Scheme and Cllrs. Goodger, Kerr and Tomkins declared an interest in the Welney Water Tower.


3.  Welney Water Tower

The Chairman introduced Mr. Neil Trodden who had approached the Parish Council to ask if he could speak at the meeting with regard to his proposals for the Welney Water Tower.  He advised Council that he had agreed terms with the owners to acquire the Water Tower but would like to show members his design thoughts for a residential redevelopment of the property.  He produced copies of drawings for his proposed design and Councillors were able to ask questions.  After approximately 15 minutes Mr.Trodden thanked Council for allowing him to give the presentation and he was also thanked for his attendance.


.4.  Minutes

The minutes of the Meeting held on the 2nd September, 2008, having been circulated to all councillors, were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting,


5.  Matters Arising.


1.   Post Office Services for Welney

As everyone was now aware the Mobile Post Office Van is now visiting the Lamb and Flag Car park every day between 1.15 and 2.30 p.m. and is proving to be successful.  The lady in charge informs us that there is a good trickle of customers each day with some days busier than others.   Following discussion with her she confirmed that they are still trying to relocate the Post Office Service to the Church (as previously requested).  She has problems connecting to the Internet at the Lamb and Flag site and if it was able to be at the Church then an appropriate connection could be permanently installed.  She promised to keep the village informed of developments.


2.   Annual Fund Raising Event

Cllr.Bennnett confirmed to the meeting that he had not done anything regarding the Annual Fund Raising Event Notice in the Welney News.  He had decided to leave this until the next edition so that residents would have fresh thoughts for the New Year.


3.   Code of Conduct

The Clerk confirmed that a letter had been sent off to the appropriate parties confirming our support for Councillor Kerr. 


4.   Local Government Re-organisation

The Clerk confirmed that the letter as approved by Councillors had been sent off to the Boundary Committee but so far no feed back had been received.  Confirmation had been received from the Borough Council relating to two further meetings which they will be holding in King’s Lynn.  The first is on Wednesday 15th October, and the second on Wednesday 7th January.  Two councillors expressed an interest in attending the meeting in October, and the Clerk would advise the Borough accordingly.


6.  Public Participation

There was no public participation.


7.  First Time Sewage for Welney

The following planning application had been received from the Planning and Transportation Department of the Norfolk County Council:

Ref: SP/C/2/2008/2019  Welney: Green Lane off Padgets Road, Tipps End

Aerated facultative (aero-fac) Lagoon Treatment Facility – Anglian Water.

Before the application was considered,  Cllr.Goodger  declared his interest and left the room.

Council had already had the opportunity of looking at this application as Anglian Water had sent a full copy to the previous meeting.  Following a brief discussion it was therefore proposed by Cllr.Allen, seconded by Cllr.Brown with all in favour that the application be recommended for approval, as it appears to be the best site for the scheme and the best type of scheme for this area.


The Clerk also confirmed that enquiries had been made of the Borough Council regarding possible grants towards the cost of the sewage installation.  Mr.Clack had replied with information of grants that may be available to individual households for drainage works under their Decent Homes Assistance, although to be eligible the individual would have to be on certain benefits, largely those that are means tested,   In addition their assistance is only available where there is an existing problem, for instance where the existing system is not working or is causing significant problems.  Indications of this are things like having to have their septic tank emptied on a very regular basis, or regular flooding of the garden with effluent.


The Clerk also reported a telephone call from Mr. John Lambert of Anglian Water to book the Parish Hall for an Open Day on Thursday 4th December from 2 – 7 p.m.  A letter confirming this would be sent to all residents within the catchment area of the new sewage works inviting them to visit the Hall and discuss their individual situation.  He confirmed that they would have representatives present to discuss all cases and that they would also invite representatives from the Borough Council to attend.


8.  Meeting Reports

There were no meeting reports. The meeting relating to the Abberton Scheme had been postponed.


9.  Finance.

The following accounts had been received for payment, and on the proposition of Cllr. Tomkins seconded by Cllr. Kerr and agreed, the cheques were signed:


MHB Services Limited – Repairs to the Bowls to two lights at

Suspension Bridge as agreed following their quotation

Cheque No. 100996                                          152 . 75


Welney Croft Cricket Club

2nd Half years grass cutting                     362 . 50

Less 7 home matches at £20.00 per match         140 . 00

Cheque No. 100997                                          222 . 50



Mrs.P.Copeman – Clerks Salary and Expenses:

Salary                          255 . 68

Postage    & Telephone                  12 . 64

Telephone                    21 . 85

Cheque No. 100998                                               290 . 17


     Paid by Direct Debit – 19.9.08

E-On –Street Lighting Charges                                     59 . 81


To be paid by Direct Debit on 9.10.08

E-On – Electricity supplied to the Pavilion                          100 . 53

E-On – Electricity supplied to the Parish Hall                       126 . 68


Both of the above electricity bills have been estimated for approximately one year and have now been read by the meter reader.  Details of the key holders were approximately five years out of date and this was the reason that the meters had not been read more regularly. This has now been amended and the problem should not arise in the future.


10.  Parish Hall

1.   The electricity meters were checked before the meeting and the sum of £5 was removed.


2.   The Clerk confirmed that she had now taken over the cleaning of the Hall as and when necessary.  The best part of a day was spent removing cobwebs and generally cleaning all the cupboards etc.  Bookings had increased slightly over the last month.


3.   The main cause for concern is with regard to the lean-to store at the back of the Hall.  It was agreed that councillors would meet at 9.30 a.m. on Saturday 1st November in order to have a good clean up and remove all the old rubbish,


11. Proposed New Community Centre

The meeting was advised that nothing had been heard from either Denis Tuttle (Norfolk Prohelp) and it was agreed to contact him and Lynda Osborne to find out the current situation and advise them that the Village were now getting anxious to know what was happening.  Months are slipping by with no sight of any action or progress being made.


The Clerk confirmed that she had had a telephone call from a lady in the Estates Department at the Environment Agency stating that Mr. Shelton was on sick leave, but she promised to check the file and find out the current situation as soon as possible.  It was proposed by Cllr.Tomkins, seconded by Cllr.Bennett and agreed that a letter should be sent to the E.A. asking them to confirm the current situation, and also to confirm that because of their delay there would be no re-valuation of the Parish Hall Site.


It was also agreed that Councillors should provide names and addresses of any Architects they knew who would be prepared to draw up the plans of the proposed new Community Centre so that we can get matters moving forward.  Nothing can be done until some plans are available.  The Chairman also confirmed that he would speak to a local architect to ascertain an idea of the cost to prepare the plans.


12.  Playing Field

The Clerk confirmed that she had also commenced the cleaning of the Pavilion, but there was still more needed.  The Groups who use the premises at the moment, are very good at leaving the property in good condition.  As well as Yoga and Carpet Bowls there is now a Table Tennis Group who meet at the Pavilion on some Thursday evenings.


The Mole Catcher has also been instructed to make another visit to the Playing Field in the hope of getting rid of the mole problem again.



13   Correspondence

1.   An e-mail had been received from the Norfolk Association of Local Councils regarding the Freedom of Information Act Model Publication Scheme.  A copy was circulated to all Councillors and on the proposition of Cllr.Bennett, seconded by Cllr.Tomkins and unanimously agreed, the Scheme was formally adopted by the Parish Council. .

2.   Downham Market Area Local Action Group – Minutes of meeting held on 12th September together with Agenda for the meeting on 10th October.

3.   Communities and Local Government 27.9.08 Copy of Consultation Paper on the making and enforcement of byelaws.  Comments invited to 20.11.08

4.   Fenland Road Safety Campaign (Charlottes Way) Mr. Graham Chappel delivered various brochures which had been circulated to councillors and it was agreed to send a letter of support and thanks for his work.

5.   Borough Council 17.9.08 Appointment of Members to the Standards Committee – Application Form.

6.   Borough Council Minutes and agenda

7.   Borough Council 11.9.08 – BT’s proposal to re-align payphone provision to meet customer demand and details of the Adopt a Red Telephone Kiosk – free of charge to be kept as an historical icon within the community.

8.   Copy of Norfolk Link, and minutes of the N,A.L.C’s General meeting held on 28.8.08

9.   Crime Details report No.26 12.8.08 to 3.99.08

10.           Norfolk Matters Magazine (copy to all councillors)

11.           Copy of the Playing Field and Annual report of the Norfolk Playing Field Association

12.           Cambridgeshire County Council/Peterborough City Council – Minerals and Waste Preferred Options Consultation (CD available if anyone interested)  Handed to Cllr.Bennett

13.           Western Watch – Details of Crimes

14.           N.R.C.C. Signpost – September 2008


14.  Plans and Planning Matters .

The following Planning permission had been received.

Planning Application No. 08/01895/F

Extension and Alterations to dwelling at School House, Suspension Bridge, Welney.

Permission granted dated 1.10.08


The following planning application was received for consideration:

Ref No., 08/02257/CU

Mr. Purliant – Change of Use of pasture land to an all weather turnout area at Copes Hill Barn, Wisbech Road, Welney.

Following consideration it was proposed by Cllr.Brown, seconded by Cllr.Freer and agreed that the application should be recommended for approval.  However it was also agreed to mention that concern was raised with regard to possible use of floodlighting on the area and possible hours of use.


15.  Highway Matters.

1.    The Clerk confirmed that following the last meeting the matters raised had been reported to Highways and that they were being attended to.  Problems on Rutland Corner at Tipps End had also been reported and these were being looked into.  Also the Give Way Sign at the top of New Road has been schedule for repair.


2.   Before the start of the meeting Councillors had met in the Car park outside the Parish Hall to inspect the problem raised by Mr. Bonner at the last meting.  Following a brief discussion it was agreed to write to Highways expressing concern regarding the lorries turning when the Wash is flooded and breaking up the entrance to the car park.  It was accepted that these large vehicles must have somewhere to turn round particularly with the unreliability of the road flooded warning signs, but Council would like Highways to consider making the entrance wider so that it was not churned up and broken down.  It was also agreed to write to Elgoods to advise them that complaints had been received from residents regarding lorries parking overnight on the car park.


3.   The following items were raised for reporting to Highways –

A lorry had gone off the road at Rutland Corner and left the road in a dangerous condition

Some of the signs in the area have been painted with yellow paint and some have been

turned round pointing in the wrong direction

An extremely large area of water accumulates on the roadway outside Bridge Farmhouse

at Suspension Bridge. Welney.

The drains appear to be blocked on the lay by area at the entrance to the William

Marshall School.

Several of the roadside marker bollards on Wisbech Road have been damaged and broken

Wooden stakes have been installed outside Maple Leaf on the Tipps End to Lakes End



There is again problems with fly tipping at Gypsey Corner on the Wash Road and at Suspension Bridge, and these will be reported to the clean-up team.


15.  Environmental Issues.

     It was reported to the meeting that the Lifebelt on the High Bank (south side) is missing and this matter would be reported to the Environment Agency.


16.  W.A.S.H. Committee

A meeting was arranged for the W.A.S.H. Committee on Friday 17th October, 2008 at 8 p.m. in the Parish Hall and all committee members would be advised.


Cllr,Brown brought members attention to the article in the Welney News when the school children were asking for photographs and information relating to the flooding of the Wash for a school project.  It was agreed to send a copy of the CD prepared by the committee in the hope that it would be useful.


17.   Parish Action Plan.

Cllr. Bennett and the Chairman agreed to liaise to make arrangements to have a bonfire and barbeque, in order to officially destroy the boxes of papers.


18.  Items for next Agenda



There being no further business the Vice Chairman thanked everyone for attending, and declared the meeting closed at 8.55 p.m. 



Signed… …K.Goodger………………………………… (Chairman.)       



 Dated ……4th November, 2008……………………….

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