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Minutes of the Meeting of the Welney Parish Council

held in the Parish Hall, Welney

on Tuesday 3rd June, 2008 at 7.30 p.m.



Cllr.K.Goodger (Chairman)  Cllrs E.Allen, T.Bennett, M. Brown, S .Dobson, S.Kerr, and

V.Pratley, and the Clerk. 


Also present were: Dist. Cllr. V. Spikings, C, Cllr ,H. Humphrey and three representatives from the Police – PC Smart and Police Community Support Officers Law and Watson.


5.  Public Participation

The Chairman advised the meeting that the Public Participation Section would be moved to the top of the Agenda, and he introduced the representatives from the Police.  They gave a talk about the work that they do and included Crime Statistics for the Village.  Crimes for Welney compared with other villages in their area were low. They answered several questions from Councillors relating to crime and speeding traffic and were thanked for attending the meeting.


1.  Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from D.Cllr.D.Pope and Cllr.Freer.


2.  Declaration of Interest

Cllr.Kerr declared an interest in Meadow Lane.


.3.  Minutes

The minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 6th May, 2008, having been circulated to all councillors, were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting,


4.  Matters Arising

1.   Meadow Lane

Councillors had been circulated with a copy of a letter from Mr. Redman, together with a copy of the decision from Norfolk County Council not to grant a right of way status to Meadow Lane.  Mr. Redman confirmed that he would not be taking the matter further and it was agreed to send a letter of acknowledgement to him.  It was confirmed that the matter may now be taken further by another resident of the village,


The Clerk confirmed that nothing further had been heard from Mr. Smith or Mr. & Mrs. Fleming following the last meeting.  Three letters had been received from the Legal Services at the Borough Council  the Alleged Breach of the Code of Conduct by Cllr.Kerr and all the information they had requested had been sent on to them.


2.   Post Office Services for Welney

Following the last meeting the Clerk confirmed that she had contacted Mrs. Aisthorpe, Secretary of the PCC and she had in turn confirmed that the church would be in agreement with the Mobile Post Office being sited in the grounds provided that access was suitable.  A letter had been sent to the Consultation Team at the Post Office confirming this and Councillors had been supplied with a copy for their information.  A copy had also been sent to Mrs  Aisthorpe.

The Chairman gave a brief report of an article in the Newspaper relating to the proposal to put the mobile post office on the Lamb and Flag Car park when it advised that their may be problems with parking.



3.   Annual Fund Raising Event

This item was requested to be included following the last meeting, and their was a brief discussion.  It was agreed to deal with this matter after the meeting, and include an item in the Welney News to see if the Public would be interested in a meeting, linked to the Parish Action Plan for a fund raising event for the new Community Centre.


4.   Christopher Fraser MP and the Petition for speed limits outside shools

The Chairman confirmed that he had sent one copy of the petition direct to Christopher

Fraser and the Clerk confirmed that she would send the copy in her possession.


5.   Provision of Litter Bins

The Clerk confirmed that she had contacted the Borough Council and was waiting to hear the date when they would be able to visit the village.



6.  Meeting Reports

Cllr. Brown gave a brief report on the meeting at Downham Market on 19th May, attended by three councillors,  regarding Planning and the Villages, arranged by the Borough Council.


7.  Finance.

The following accounts had been received for payment, and on the proposition of Cllr. Kerr, seconded by Cllr. Pratley and agreed, the cheques were signed:


Zurich Insurance – Annual Premium for the Parish Council Insurance

Including cover on the Pavilion.

Cheque No. 100981                                              938 . 22


D.A.Pest Control – Attending to Mice and Moles on the Playing Field

Cheque No. 100982                                          90 . 00


Mrs.P.Copeman – Clerks Salary and Expenses:

Salary                          255 . 68

Postage                            9 . 08

Telephone                    18 . 68

Stationary etc.                   15 . 00

Cheque No. 100983                                             298 . 44


Paid by Direct Debit – E-On Street Lighting                          59 . 81


Following the last meeting, the Clerk had telephone the Environment Agency regarding their bill for the rental of the Parish Hall Site for the year 2008/9   The account had been put on hold until such time as the purchase by the Parish Council is completed, and we may then be required to pay a proportion of the amount.


The following account was paid from the Parish Hall Account:-


Zurich Insurance – Annual Premium for the Parish Hall Insurance

Cheque No. 100392                                          568 . 98


Adoption of Annual Accounts to 31st March, 2008

Following the error on the Balance Sheet presented to the A.G.M.  the Clerk confirmed that all the figures had been checked and it was found to be a typing error.  Cllr.Freer had kindly checked the figures and all was now in order.  A copy of the amended Balance Sheet was circulated to all councillors.  On the proposition of Clllr. Allen, seconded by Cllr. Brown and agreed, the accounts for the year ended 31.3.08 were formally adopted.  The Clerk  confirmed that she would now make arrangements for these to be delivered to Mr. Shirley for the internal audit.


8.  Parish Hall

1.   The electricity meters were checked and a total of £8.00 was removed.  The Clerk was requested to contact the supplier and see if the meters can be adjusted as the money installed is not covering the electricity used.


2.   The Clerk confirmed that she had made contact with Mr.Mackenzie (plumber) who had been and looked at the faulty water heater and had repaired it.  He confirmed that the problem was caused by the furring up of the spout at the end of the arm supplying the water and he advised that this should be removed and cleaned on a regular basis.


3.   The Clerk had been informed that the Jug Kettle in the kitchen did not work.  This would be checked and if necessary a new kettle would be purchased.


9. Proposed New Community Centre

Following the last meeting, a meeting had been arranged with Mr. Denis Tuttle at the Playing Field on 15th May.  A copy of an e-mail from Mr. Tuttle following that meeting was circulated to all councillors.  Cllr. Brown had also supplied Mr. Tuttle with a possible layout plan for the Hall but nothing further had been heard from him.  It was agreed to ask if he could let us have some further information in readiness for the next meeting.


The Clerk confirmed that she had received an e-mail from George Shelton at the Environment Agency on 8th May when he confirmed that their lawyers were getting started on the paperwork for the purchase of the Hall Site.  However nothing further had been heard at the time of the meeting.


10.  Playing Field

Mr. Mackenzie, the Plumber had been and looked at the faulty shower in the Pavilion and he advised that it is beyond repair.   He also confirmed that none of the showers should be used as they could be dangerous under the current Health and safety regulations.  In view of this all the showers had been disconnected and taped up with notices informing the public that they were not to be used.  The Chairman confirmed that he would ask his electrician to call at the Pavilion and remove the fuses from the fuse box.  It was also agreed to inform the Cricket Club of the situation, as they are the only user group who ever use the showers. .


Re: Conifer Trees on the Playing Field boundary.  A letter had been received from Mr. & Mrs. Carter, and an e-mail from Mr.& Mrs. Willis regarding this matter.  The Chairman confirmed that he had spoken to Mr. John Loveday who advised that he would let us have the telephone number of the person willing to do the work to the trees.  It was proposed by Cllr. Brown, seconded by Cllr. Kerr and agreed that as soon as this information is to hand a site meeting would be arranged with Cllr.Bennett,  Mr.Loveday, the Carters and the Willis’ ,to hopefully reach an agreement relating to the trees.


Cllr. Kerr confirmed that he had replaced a pane of glass in the back toilet which had been broken, and that he had boarded up the window into the shower, which had been smashed.


11   Correspondence

1.   Norfolk Playing Fields Association -  Spring 2008 Copy of the Playing Fields Magazine and advertising materials for playground equipment

2.   Notification of Property Address – Cope’s Hill Barn, Wisbech Road, Welney

3.   Fenland District Council 12.5.08  Progress on Development Plan Documents.

4.   Norfolk Constabulary – Mobile Police Station Dates and Venues

5.   West Norfolk Sports Council Annual Meeting – 10th June at Lynnsport

6.   BCKLWN – Green Space Strategy – Draft strategy available for inspection on their website  Any comments by 20th  June, 2008.  The Clerk agreed to download the information and pass to Cllr.Bennett.

7.   C.P.R.E. – Details of the Annual General Meeting on 10th July at Norwich plus copy of Annual Report and details of various events.

8.   Environment Agency – Denver Licence Variation.  Pre application consultation.  Copy of the Abberton Scheme Environmental Statement – Any comments by 9th June.  Passed to Cllr.Bennett.

9.   BCKLWN – Local Government Review – Meeting at King’s Lynn Town Hall on Wednesday 9th July 6p.m. to 8p.m.  Advise numbers wishing to attend.

10.           East Cambs District Council Local Development Framework Consultation Documents 30.5.08 to 11.7.08

11.           Norfolk Association of Village Halls – Newsletter June 08.

12.           NRCC – Signpost May 2008

13.           BCKLWN – Veterans Badge Presentation Ceremony details.

14.           Downham Market Local Action Group – Monthly meeting 6.6.08 Agenda

15.           Crime Details report for the month of May.

16.           NCC Copies of Your Norfolk – handed out to Councillors

17.           Local Transport Plan Seminar – 15th July, 2008

18.           First Time Sewage Treatment Works – Copy of an e-mail from Christchurch Parish Council circulated to all councillors.  Hoping to arrange a joint visit to Holkham to inspect the treatment works.  Trying to arrange a visit during the week commencing 16th June.  Five councillors expressed an interest in attending, together with Dist..Cllr.Spikings and the

Clerk confirmed that she would pass on the numbers, and then let those parties have full details as soon as received.


12.  Plans and Planning Matters

No planning  applications had been received.


The Clerk had circulated councillors with a cop of a letter from TingDene regarding Pisces Country Park signage.  She had contacted them by telephone to advise that this is nothing to do with the Parish Council.  It is a matter for either the Borough Council Planning Department

or Highways and nothing further had been heard from them.


A letter was received from the Borough Council confirming that the planning  application for a Two Storey and Porch Extension at School House, Suspension Bridge had been withdrawn.


13.  Highway Matters.

1.   The Clerk confirmed that she had reported the matters relating to Sandgate Corner footpath and the triangle of grass at Tipps End to Highways.  The Chairman confirmed that he had not heard anything from Highways regarding the flood gates at Delph Bridge and a reminder would be sent to him.


2.   Nothing further had been heard from Christopher Fraser MP regarding Mr.Modeley of Kendrick Cottage and a request for up to date information would be made.


3.   It was reported that two gas bottles had been dumped on the corner n the Wash Road and the Clean-Up team would be asked to remove them.  Also Highways would be asked to look at the hedge on the bend at Tipps End which is very overgrown and forcing vehicles to use the middle of the road.


4.   The meeting was also advised that it is possible the Wash Road will be flooded very shortly.  In view of the large amount of rain recently there is already a lot of water on the Washes.


14.  Environmental Issues.

     Cllr.Bennett raised the question of the management of the Old Croft River. which certainly does not do anything to enhance the appearance of the village.  The Chairman gave an explanation  of the workings of the river and the work involved in keeping it in its present state.  He confirmed that he would endeavour to arrange a meeting with himself, Cllr.Bennett and the Drainage board representative as soon as possible.


Flooding of the Washes -  Following a brief discussion it was agreed that a letter should be sent to Christopher Fraser MP informing him of the summer flooding which is about to happen, and asking.for a meeting with himself and the Parish Council to discuss the matter further.


15.  W.A.S.H. Committee

     Nothing further to report at present but it is hoped to hold a meeting of the W.A.S.H.

     Committee during June.


16.   Parish Action Plan.

Cllr. Bennett confirmed that there was nothing further to report at present, and that several

of the matters raised in the PAP are already being dealt with under the various Agenda headings.


17.  Items for next Agenda

1.   Stock on the River Banks


2.  Downham Market Safer Neighbourhood Scheme – Speed Guns.


There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending, and declared the meeting closed at 9.20 p.m. 



Signed… …K. Goodger ………………………………… (Chairman.)         


Dated …… 1st July, 2008………………………………….

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